Vampire the masquerade concept art
Vampire the masquerade concept art

vampire the masquerade concept art

But there’s also a more emotionally visceral sort of roleplaying game, where a lot of the game is about exploring the characters. There’s a place (a big place) for roleplaying games likes D&D or Pathfinder – be a hero, defeat evil, tactics, save the town, collect some loot, do it again next time. There’s a reason Vampire: the Masquerade has been around so long. And I’m not just talking about the color of the cover, or the fact that they changed the tag line from “A storytelling game of personal horror” to “A Storytelling game of personal and political horror.” Indeed, with the scope of differences in this fifth edition, it’s arguably the biggest update to Vampire since the game first launched in 1991. Vampire: the Masquerade, the premier horror roleplaying game (sorry, Call of Cthulhu), made its biggest appearance since V20 with the launch of a new edition at Gen Con 2018. We shall see whom I drag screaming to hell with me.” Actually, you shouldn’t want kids playing Vampire regardless.* hunt.

vampire the masquerade concept art

Parents, if you don’t want your kids to read bad words, you probably don’t want them playing Vampire. What is a claim of age for ones who are immortal? What is a claim of power for ones who defy death? Call your *Yes, I am aware that there is some level of irony in both using ‘family-friendly’ language and reviewing Vampire.

Vampire the masquerade concept art